SeeClickFix Blog #3

  • Has the status of your issue changed since the last time you checked it?  Explain your answer.

The status of the issue hasn’t changed and stay closed since the last time I checked it.

  • On Edublog #1 you were asked to predict whether or not SeeClickFix would fix the problem you reported.  Did you find that your prediction came true?  Explain your answer.

I found that my prediction came true because SeeClickFix did fix the problem I reported.

  • Are you satisfied with the result of the issue you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I am satisfied with the result of the issue I reported because SeeClickFix did fix the problem I reported.

  • Do you think that SeeClickFix is a useful tool for helping people fix problems in their communities?  Explain your answer.

I think that SeeClickFix is a useful tool for helping people fix problems in their communities because it will be helping their communities like SeeClickFix is helping ours when they fix the problems we report.

  • If you could change or improve SeeClickFix, what would you do?  Explain your answer.

If I could change or improve SeeClickFix, something I will do is try to make SeeClickFix to fix all the problems that are being reported.

  • Which class project do you think was best able to help the people who resisted an oppression gain agency:  SeeClickFix or the May Day March?  Explain your answer.

The class project that I think was the best able to help the people who resisted an oppression and gain agency is the SeeClickFix project because SeeClickFix is helping people in my community fix things that are affecting the community.

  • Do the results of the SeeClickFix and May Day projects imply that one form of resistance is better than another?  Explain your answer.   

The results of the SeeClickFix and May Day projects does imply that one of the resistance is better than another because it is proving that resistance can happen in different ways, good or bad.

SeeClickFix Blog #2

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix?

Something I learned about the status of the issue I reported to SeeClickFix is that I learned how other scan elp you solve a problem that is about your community.

  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received?  Who sent you that message?

The response that I got about the issue I reported was that they told me that they saw the problem I reported and that they where going to fix it. The person/people that send me that message was The City Of Oakland.

  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters.  What do each posters mean?  

The 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters is that there is 3 categories that the problem we reported can be in. The first one is Open, then Acknowledged, and then Closed. Depending on what said on the problem we reported, we had to get our stickies and but them on one of those 3 categories.

  • Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster?  Explain why, or why not.

I did change the status of the issue I reported on the poster because at first it was open and then it changed to closed because they had solved the problem I reported.

  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.

I think that the patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved where that people that reported illegal trash was most likely to be fixed instead of people that reported potholes, sidewalks, or graffiti.

  • Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project?  Explain your answer.

I think that 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project because we are trying to fix things that are affecting our community and are things we are trying to change.


SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words, explain what the words RESISTANCE and AGENCY mean.

Resistance is when someone refuses to do something, or tries to prevent something from happening, and Agency is the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life.

  • In your own words, explain what the term SOCIAL MOVEMENT means.

Social movement means when a groups of people get together to resist oppression or make a change.

  • What does the company called SEECLICKFIX do for people living in Oakland?

Something that the company SeeClickFix does for people living in Oakland is that the company is trying for the ones in charge to fix things like pick up illegal trash, graffiti, potholes, sidewalks, etc…, making them do their job and fix things that people in Oakland tink are problems for their community.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency?  Explain why, or why not.

I think SeeClickfix helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency because people in the community are trying to fix things that are unsafe or not good for the community and SeeClickFix helps them fix those things and people get agency because of fixing important things.

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

I took a picture of the issue I reported. It was very close from where I live so it was easy. I checked the location where the problem I was going to report was. I then filled in the paper where I had to write down everything about the problem I was going to report.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

Something i did in class to join SEECLICKFIX was that we had to follow the instructions that Mr. Muniz gave us and i joined SEECLICKFIX.

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

Something i did in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX was that i had to make an account for SEECLICKFIX so i can report the problem.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I think that the City of Oakland will fix the problem i reported because it is just trash and it is easier to fix instead of potholes, sidewalks, etc…

Edublog Assignment #10

What is a social movement?

A social movement is when groups of people work together to resist an oppression or make some kind of change.

What is May Day?

May Day is when people come out and protest for what they think should change. It it also know as Workers day.

How did May Day become a day to protest?

May Day became a day of protest because people in the past were being treated bad at work so they decided to make a change and did a protest to make the change.

Describe what Fremont HS students will be doing on May 1st?

Fremont HS students will be doing a protest on May 1st with other schools here in Oakland and try to make their voices get heard for what is right.

Describe the work our class has done to research previous social movements this school year.

The work our class has done to research previous social movements this school year is we looked at a previous protest that students here in Oakland got together and protested about how Donald Trump became president. We have been doing okay because we are trying to agree with topics we should talk about.

Explain how our class decided what our protest goals would be.

Our class decided what our protest goals would be is that we said lots of problems that are possible to talk about and we are trying to find out what are the top ones we choose and we can agree with them.

Do you predict that that May Day student protest will be successful?  Explain your answer.

I think that that May Day student protest will be successful because if us students get together and make agreements, we will be doing good and the May Day protest will be successful.

Edublog Assignment #7

What is the name of the student whose Infographic you reviewed?

The name of the student is Lisa.


What feedback did you give to that student in the comments section of their edublog?

My feedback that i gave to the student in the comment section of their edublog was that they could of done better because they could of used more evidence so it can make more sense.


What kind of things do you expect another student will have to say about the infographic that you created, and your answer about reliable sources?

I might expect another student say about my infographic is that i think they might of said that I did good and that I need to add something else.

Edublog Assignment #3



I live in Oakland California. Oakland is a place where lots of different people live in. I would describe myself as an independent person because I most of the time work by myself or do other things by myself. I describe myself as a good daughter because I am the daughter that is with my mom always. Some of the aspects of my identity is that I like nature, I love my ethnicity, and most important I love my family.


To begin with, Dominant Narrative means when someone is saying things about people that are not true. One Dominant Narrative about me is that us women are suppose to follow the rules of men. Another dominant narrative about me is when people tell me that i’m mexican just by the way I look. These images affect me when people tell me these things and letting me show that is not true by achieving what I want to and showing how I am.


Another kind of narrative is the Counter Narrative. A Counter Narrative is when people that are being used by dominants and trying to state the real fact. One Counter Narrative I used was an image of women being whatever we want and not be manipulated by men. This image makes me feel happy because it is true that us women can be whatever we want and not be used by anybody.


Also, Identity is something that you identify or present yourself. An Identity image is an image to describe yourself. One identity image I used to identify myself is an image of a road trip. I choose that image because I like road trips and especially with my family. This image makes me think about my road trips.


Finally, people might see me as a person that likes to be free. If people really knew me, they would know that I am not what they think I am. It is important to correct the Dominant Narrative about myself with a Counter Narrative so people can know the truth about what people say about me. Something I learned while studying Identity, and the Dominant and Counter Narratives is that Identity is something to show how you are and the Dominant and Counter narratives can also show who you really are.

Edublog Assignment #2

In your own words describe what you are supposed to do to complete the 2016 Identity Project.  What will you do to make your shadowbox special?

Something that i’m supposed to do to complete the 2016 Identity Project is to complete my shadowbox that is part of the Identity Project. Another thing is to do Edublog Assignment #2 and online things to complete the assignment. Something that I will do to make my shadowbox special is make it the way I want it to look.